
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined as: protecting children from maltreatment; preventing impairment of children’s health or development; ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care; and taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.

Safeguarding is a priority in the school

You can find our Child Protection policy here.

What we do to safeguard students at Oaks Park High School

Pastoral support:

  • Students assigned a tutor to take an especial interest in them
  • Strong pastoral system to support students’ welfare
  • Close liaison with parents/carers
  • An established ethos of encouraging students to speak to staff about problems either their own or their friends’
  • Staff trained to support students with emotional needs
  • Programmes to support identified students’ emotional well-being e.g. managing emotions, building positive relationships, managing pressure
  • Referrals made to outside agencies if support is needed beyond the expertise available in school


Clear expectations and action to maintain a safe environment:

  • Policies and practices covering:- safeguarding and child protection including appendices on self-harm and radicalisation, e-safety, health and safety, anti-bullying, racism and discrimination and whistle-blowing
  • Comprehensive behaviour policy and systematic and graduating sanction and reward systems
  • Supervised student dismissal at the end of the day and the local area is monitored by senior staff
  • Close monitoring of student attendance with calls to parents/carers if student are absent or late without prior notice
  • Safer recruitment practice followed and security checks made on all staff employed and volunteers working in the school
  • Staff receive regular safeguarding training; also members of staff trained as Designated Safeguarding Leads
  • Close working relationship with the schools’ police


Educating students

  • PSHE lessons covering safeguarding issues e.g. anti-bullying, assertive behaviour, e-safety, healthy relationships, etc
  • A variety of safety messages delivered to students via assemblies and through tutors


Safety and Security on site:

  • Secure site needing security pass entry during the school day
  • Filtered internet access
  • Monitoring and checking anything accessed or written on school computer/iCT devices, following up on any concerns
  • Risk assessments carried out for offsite activities and for students with specific difficulties
  • First aiders in the school office and in other key areas
  • Staff wear identification badges