School Improvement FAQ

Please find below some FAQ to help understand the school improvement process:

Who is responsible for making sure the school improves?

CAN Trust takes on responsibility for making sure that progress on the school improvement plan plus other changes are put into place, and that the school gets the support it needs.

Why was the CAN Trust asked to work with the school?

The Trust was approved by the Department of Education to work with the school because it has a long track record of success and has shown that it understands how to help schools perform consistently well.  It has taken on this role because it is committed to high quality local all-ability education and has the expertise that comes from a long involvement in educational leadership.

Who will monitor the school’s progress?

The overall progress of the school will be monitored by the Directors of the Trust and they will hold the CEO and the Headteacher to account. 

The CAN Trust has made the commitment to the school and its progress.  It has a highly experienced and expert team of Directors.  You can find out more about the Directors of the Trust and their expertise on the CAN website. 

In addition, the school will be reporting to the governing body, every meeting, on progress made in the improvement plan.  This plan contains those priorities already shared with parents and provided to Ofsted.  

The Trust will also be providing updates for the school community from September on how the plan already shared with parents is progressing, and what the next steps are to be.

How does the school get support to improve?

The CAN Trust will be providing support on an ongoing basis.  Support will include:

  • Advice and support from the CEO of the Trust, who will be based for two to three days each week in the school and will be working with senior and middle leaders.
  • Close partnership working between subject specialists from the Trust and subject leaders in the school.  This, again, will be on a weekly basis for most areas.  This work will help prioritise what is needed within the subject areas. 
  • The Trust helping on a practical level by providing resources that work well in the Trust, by sharing ideas on teaching and learning that have been successful in the Trust and by ensuring that staff in the school are getting high quality training.

What are the priority areas for working with the Trust?

Priorities include: English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities, BTEC vocational courses, Literacy strategies, SEN, Assessment and Reporting approaches, Careers provision, PSHE, Sixth form provision, Performance Management and other ways of ensuring consistently good teaching. 

Curriculum changes already started will also be continued with future plans presented to the governing body each year.

When will Ofsted visit Oaks Park to judge how well it is doing? 

Ofsted will re-inspect Oaks Park High School after two years.