Latest News


Posted: 5/07/21


 am writing to you regarding Covid-19 cases in Year 10.  At the  time of writing, we have two positive cases (PCR) and two confirmed cases via Lateral Flow Tests, pending results of PCR tests.  As such we have had to ask a significant number of students to isolate at home.  Parents and carers of these students have been contacted and given a return to school date. 

The number of students isolating means a significant disruption to both their learning, and also to the teaching of those not isolating, as teachers have to change lesson plans and content if many students are not present in the classroom.  Therefore the quality of learning for all is compromised. On top of this, of course, it is clear that the virus is in circulation in this year group and we need to take measures immediately to limit the spread further. 

For both these reasons, we have taken the decision to move to remote learning provision for one week for all Year 10 students.  We hope this will help to prevent further spread in this year group, but also ensure all students can access high quality live lessons.

From tomorrow (Tuesday 6th July), all Year 10 students should stay at home and access live lessons via Google Classroom. As before, students should follow their usual timetable and access the link to lessons via ClassCharts or Google Classroom. Students should register with their tutor at 8.30 am to start the day. All lessons for Year 10 will be live and registers will be taken for each session. Parents/carers will be contacted if their child does not join the lesson. Students should be mindful that teachers may start lessons around 5-10 minutes late if they have to move location/classroom in order to teach their live lesson.   Students will return to school for their normal lessons on Tuesday 13th July, 

If your child does not have access to the internet at home, please get in touch with the Year Team at

It is very important that all students continue to do regular, twice-weekly Lateral Flow Tests, and that any students asked to isolate has a PCR test.  Please notify the school of Lateral Flow Test results via Test Register and for PCR test results, please email

If your child is unwell and unable to attend their live lessons for the day, please email and copy in the Year Team

We understand that this may be worrying for you, but please be aware that we are in close contact with Public Health England and are closely monitoring the number of cases. We will continue to update you.

Thank you for your support and we will continue to keep you updated.