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    School Guidance on Students Wearing Face Coverings

    Posted: 3/09/20

    The school policy on students wearing face coverings is as follows:


    • ​Students must carry a face mask with them at all times as they may be asked to wear them in certain areas of the school if necessary – eg during a fire drill or where social distancing is more difficult or if they are moving to specialist teaching areas.
    • We recommend that students do not wear masks in lessons to enable best possible communication between students and staff.   
    • ​If your child wishes to wear a mask in all lessons, please email the school to inform us so that staff are aware.
    • When coming into and leaving the school site, we recommend that students wear face masks as they could come into contact with students outside their year bubble. 
    • As per government guidance, students should also ensure that they wear a face mask on public transport if they use this to travel to and from school.
    • If your child is exempt from wearing a face mask for any reason, we ask that the school is made aware of this via the office email.
    • Face masks should be plain with no logo or slogan.  School staff will determine if a mask is not appropriate for wearing at school and any inappropriate use of masks will be sanctioned.