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Year 7 Parents' Information Evening

Posted: 11/09/20

Year 7 Parents' Information Evening

Welcome to the first term at Oaks Park High. It has been great having a school full of positive pupils. We have been most impressed with how well each student has settled in to their first few days and has come to school ready to learn. Students have arrived with the correct equipment and their uniform is looking very smart; we really appreciate the support you have given which enables this to happen.   

We were due to hold a Year 7 Parents’ Information Evening on Tuesday 15th of September but unfortunately, we are unable to hold this event in school this year. We know the significant positive impact that a strong parental and school partnership can have on a child’s progress so we want to ensure you receive all of the key information and have an opportunity to gain answers to any questions you may have. We will be recording a version of the presentation that would normally be given and a link to this will be emailed out to all parents in the next week. If you have any specific topics or questions you would like us to address, please complete the Google Form below before Tuesday 15th September to help us tailor the content of our presentation.  

In addition to the pre-recorded presentation, all Year 7 tutors will be making individual phone calls home over the next few weeks to introduce themselves, discuss your child’s transition and answer any further questions you may have.