M.A.T – More Able and Talented

At Oaks Park High School we recognise that our More Able and Talented pupils need access to broad, balanced and challenging curriculum opportunities to enable them to reach their true potential. With this in mind, we aim to deepen the curriculum for the those students that have been identified as either more able or talented in one or more subjects. We are currently putting together a comprehensive programme to support, inspire and raise achievement.

KS3 Challenge Menus

A range of departments have developed a challenge menu that is designed to enrich and extend student learning beyond the classroom. Enrichment is an important part of our More Able Program and gives each child the opportunity to focus on areas of study that interests them.  Subjects have carefully selected a range of activities under the headings "Read, Watch, Listen, Do"

We hope you enjoy some of the activities attached and we would love to see some of the exciting things you get up to outside of the classroom!

KS3 Challenge Menu's (PDF)

MARGINAL LEARNING GAINS - Small steps to GCSE success

Marginal learning gains is inspired by the same philosophy that underpinned the extraordinary success of Team GB Cycling at the Olympics. The philosophy is simple: focus on doing a few small things really well. Once you do this the small improvements will add up to a significant improvement when they are all added together. So if this approach can have such dramatic results in sport, what could it do beyond sport?

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Here are some marginal learning gains grids for some of your GCSE subjects, use these resources to take those small steps to becoming 100% better prepared!

English Marginal Gains (PDF) French Marginal Gains (PDF)
History Marginal Gains (PDF)  


Extending your knowledge is one way to support you in gaining higher grades at GCSE. Here are some useful resources from your subjects with links to help support and deepen your knowledge to help you prepare for your exams.

English wider reading and resources (PDF) French wider reading and resources (PDF)
History wider reading and resources (PDF)  

Mrs A. Horle
More Able and Talented (MAT) Coordinator

Page Documents Date  
Reading List Year 7 MAT Students 08th Jul 2024 Download