Latest News

Curriculum Enrichment Day

Posted: 30/06/22

Curriculum Enrichment Day

On Friday July 8th, we will be holding a curriculum enrichment day for all students (Years 7 to 10). Students will take part in a range of team building and enrichment activities as well as attending an assembly to celebrate their successes over the course of this academic year. As the day is going to be very active, students do not need to wear school uniform and should wear sensible, active clothing and comfortable shoes. We would recommend loose clothing and trainers. 

Please check your email / Weduc communications for information and consent forms, further details will be sent before the event.


For Year 7 and 8 students, we are very excited to have the ‘It’s a Knockout Challenge’ coming to Oaks Park High. Students will be working in teams to compete in a range of inflatable activities. This will be a great opportunity for all students to work together and showcase their teamwork skills. Students will also need a spare change of clothes for the ‘It’s a Knockout’ activity.

Year 9 and 10 students will participate in a wellbeing/mental health workshop called “Practising Emotional Resilience”.  This session will focus on how young people can maintain daily wellbeing, through a range of resilience-building strategies.  Additionally, students will take part in an activity afternoon that will include taking on a 165 foot inflatable assault course, and a range of other fun teambuilding activities.


If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact us via