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Congratulations to Year 13

Posted: 18/08/22

Congratulations to Year 13

After another extraordinary year for our Year 13 students, we’d like to offer our congratulations to all our A-Level and Vocational students who have received their results today. 

This is a year group who have had much of their Post 16 experience disrupted by the pandemic. Despite this, they responded with a great deal of resilience and determination to succeed. Their hard work has paid off and we are extremely proud that they have achieved a fantastic set of results.  

Nearly a quarter of all A Level grades achieved were at A*-A with over 50% at A*-B. 41% of Vocational Grades were at Distinction to Distinction *

We are pleased with the overall number of higher grades being achieved across both A level and Vocational - over a third of all grades (37%) achieved were at the top end A*-A and Distinction* to Distinction.

All of our students will now continue to study courses of their choice at universities across the UK and a smaller number will go into the world of work, via apprenticeships.

We congratulate each one of them on their excellent results and wish them all best of luck and continued success.