Latest News

Kindness Week

Posted: 16/01/23

Kindness Week

This week we will be celebrating one of our key Mantra values - Kindness - with a range of whole school initiatives and activities designed to raise the importance of being kind to those around us; at school, at home and in the community.

Building positive and effective relationships is a key aim of our school, so our focus will be on celebrating students who demonstrate kindness to fellow students and staff.  Throughout the week, we will be running a reward scheme that enables students to collect stickers, awarded every time they demonstrate acts of kindness. Students will be able to exchange their stickers for prizes from our amazing Oaks Park 'AP' store.

There will be activities for students in tutor time and lessons, which aim to build confidence to show kindness, and we have also arranged for students to write ‘Kindness Cards’ to their teachers and peers, to further spread kindness and positivity across our school community and beyond.

‘Kindness Week’ will start on Monday 16th January, with workshops delivered by the organisation ‘Show Racism the Red Card', the UK’s leading anti-racism educational charity. The organisation utilises the high-profile status of football and football players to publicise its message.

We encourage parents and carers to reinforce these messages at home.  Parents can participate by awarding positive points on ClassCharts and recording their child or children’s acts of kindness.

We will be sharing examples of  our students' acts of kindness on our Twitter feed throughout the week; do follow us on @oaksparkhigh to help us celebrate our students.