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Organised Week

Posted: 11/05/23

Organised Week

‘Organised Week’ begins on 15th May, where the whole school will be promoting our Mantra value, raising the importance of being organised. Students who are organised have improved well-being and are more likely to achieve higher grades. With subject assessments on the horizon, we feel it will greatly benefit students to learn how to have more control and organisation in their studies.

We will be coordinating a reward scheme that enables students to collect stickers, issued by teachers when they have met all organisational expectations in lessons that week. Being punctual, wearing correct uniform, equipped for lessons (ready to learn), meeting deadlines and producing excellent work will all be acknowledged. Students will get a card on Monday to keep in their lanyard, so they can collect (8 per card) stickers and complete the card.

The completed card can then be used in exchange for prizes from our amazing ‘AP’ store.

Organised week graphic





Our rewards policy is designed to encourage different aspects of organisation, enabling students to receive points for a range of achievements. During ‘Organised Week’ we will also be supporting and celebrating students' organisation in tutor times and assemblies, as we aim for all our students to be confident and successful citizens who are equipped to make positive contributions in all areas of modern society. 

We look forward to sharing the success of another ‘Mantra Week’!