

Below you will find an overview of the main systems that we use at OPHS and the information they hold. If you do not have log-in details for any of the apps or systems listed, please contact the school office for assistance:

IRIS Reach Communications App (Myed)

We are very pleased that we have a fantastic way to communicate and share information with you. At Oaks Park High School we want you to feel as much a part of your child's education as possible. With the increased use of smart phone technology we wanted to make the best use of it.

MyEd is the free parent app that gives you a multitude of communication and information features to stay in touch with what is going on at school. We are able to send you messages directly through the MyEd app relating to important information about your child’s education and to remind you of events that are taking place at the school.

The MyEd app is available for both apple iOS and Android devices. Once you have downloaded the app search for Oaks Park High school and follow the instructions to sign up.

MyEd Download Information

Class Charts

Class Charts records information about your child’s performance in class, as well as being the main system we use for recording homework across the school. The information it holds is:

  • Homework – All teachers use Class Charts to set students homework. You will be able to see what is set and when it is due by.
  • Rewards – During lessons teachers will reward students by giving performance points. These can be seen using the online parent’s platform.
  • Behaviour and detentions – Just as teachers can log performance points, they can also log behaviour issues using a point system. A summary of these can be viewed on the Class Charts app. Detentions are also logged using this system and can be viewed by parents.

A full information guide supplied by Class Charts can be found on the link below. All parents and students have their own log in codes for Class Charts to log in for the first time.

Class Charts for Parents Guide (PDF)

RM Unify

RM Unify links directly to our school information management system. The main function of RM Unify is to allow student reports to be generated and shared with parents using a paperless format.

You should have already generated a log in for this at the end of the last academic year. If you have yet to do this, or have forgotten your log in details, please contact the school office and we will be able to assist and resend the invitation email.